Pat Iyer’s Blog
Book Writing

How We Define Wealth in a Pandemic World
If one point of agreement exists among influencers and business leaders, it is that how people do business in the coming years will change and how we define wealth will also change. You may be wondering how this applies to writing. Don't worry, I'll tie that in. Our...

73 Mastering Multiple Consulting Roles-Dave Dragon-Writing to Get Business Podcast
Did you know that a consultant has to be an archaeologist, anthropologist, detective, psychologist, and serve in multiple additional roles? Dave Dragon, an experienced consultant shares both in this podcast and in his book, I Solve Mysteries, the complex and...

72 Overcoming Perfectionism when Writing-DJ Eshelman-Writing to Get Business Podcast
As a writer, do you struggle with how much to assume your readers know? Are you a stubbornly independent person who doesn’t want help? Does perfectionism plague your attempts to write and publish? If any of these challenges ring true, you’ve come to the right place....

71 What Does it Mean to be Infertile?-Pam Rasheed-Writing to Get Business Podcast
While a common recommendation for would-be authors is, “Write what you know about,” the writing journey of Pamela Rasheed, MSN, RN, who specializes in infertility counseling demonstrates that you should also write what you care about. A friend’s advice to choose to...

Keep it Short and Simple: The Tips Book
Those of us who remember a pre-Internet world may have grown up reading Reader’s Digest, whose basis was condensing information. It also had features like “Laughter is the Best Medicine” and “Life in These United States,” made up of humorous and inspirational...

70 Open Up Your Root Chakra-Sheri Kaplan-Writing to Get Business Podcast
Self-promotion presents special challenges to those in the healing arts, but Sheri Kaplan, healer and spiritual transformational coach, has put together an integrated package of a short (20-page) book and a 20-minute consultation for a price that attracts potential...

How to Control Distractions when You Write
Control distractions when you write You want to write, and you have a plan in mind. Experts have assured you that you need to practice discipline and block out areas of time during which you will only write. You know you need to control distractions. You look at your...

68 Speed versus Velocity- Ron Karr-Writing to Get Business Podcast
The COVID epidemic has given many people a new urgency to live a purpose-driven life. Those who once had an “I’ll do it one of these days” mindset have had to confront the possibility that they have less time to realize their purposes than they’d thought. For Ron...

67 Cancer Care Malpractice-Susan Haibeck-Writing to Get Business Podcast
Do you ever worry that the target audience for your book might be too small? Susan Haibeck, a highly experienced oncology nurse and legal nurse consultant, makes it clear that the question isn’t the size of the audience but how much they need the information in the...

66 How to Plan Out a Book -Octavian Pantis-Writing to Get Business Podcast
Emil Dobrovolschi, a highly skilled airplane pilot, and Octavian Pantis, author, consultant, and trainer, collaborated to write Dark Cockpit, a book written from a unique perspective—literally 35,000+ feet above the ground. It could be subtitled, “As in Flying, So in...