Pat Iyer’s Blog
Book Writing

40 How to Continually Improve Your Books – Julie Ann Sullivan – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Julie Ann Sullivan, author of six books, began with a self-printed book. Each of her following books developed in sophistication and broadened outreach, including a best-selling compilation volume. As her career has shifted, so has the focus of her books. She knows...

36 Writing a book in 8 Hours – Mitchell Levy – Writing to Get Business Podcast
An accomplished writer may spend an hour per page on a book. Many busy executives, who don’t have that kind of free time or level of accomplishment, choose to hire a skilled ghostwriter foe help with writing a book. Mitchell Levy offers an abbreviated option, a...

35 All Books are Built on Stories – Per Sjofors – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Today’s podcast will be especially helpful for those who want to know how to write a book built on stories that will introduce their business to potential customers. Per Sjofers advises companies how to price their products or services. His approach to writing about...

34 How to Turn the Wrong Book into the Right Book -Gillian Lockitch – Writing to Get Business Podcast
A series of tragedies led Gillian Lockitch, M.D., to engage in a searching evaluation of life. What she learned about herself and concepts of aging inspired her to write a book. In this podcast she intertwines her writing with her private journey and how to turn the...

33 How to Be the Best Boss- Mailys Gatimel – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Even though many people seek to become entrepreneurs, many do not or cannot follow that path. Mailys Gatimel, a highly experienced business trainer, decided to write Be the Best Boss to help bosses and employees have mutually rewarding and enjoyable work...

32 Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse – Rena Romano – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Personal healing is one of the most powerful benefits of writing. Rene Romano, childhood sexual abuse survivor, shares in vivid and poignant detail the emotional challenges and rewards of writing her story. She emphasizes that the gratitude of those who had...

31 How Many Reviewers Do You Need for Your Book?- Evan Hackel – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Evan Hackel is a visionary businessperson who has translated his values of cooperation and employment involvement in decision-making into three books, including a book bought by a publisher and a self-published one. A man with a philosophy of giving, he had no trouble...

30 From Psychological Vampires to Planned Acts of Kindness – Lyle Benjamin – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Lyle Benjamin’s passion to help people has led him down a number of writing and publishing paths. He candidly admits to having self-sabotaged a few times, but he has never failed to learn from every experience. He established Planned Acts of Kindness, designed to help...

29 International Coauthors Write for the Confused Dieter -Tracy Cromwell- Writing to Get Business Podcast
When an author has a passion for her subject, she can write a book that impacts strongly on others. Tracy Cromwell, working with a co-author living in Chile, unraveled the contradictions and propaganda of the food industry, the competing claims of different diets, and...

28 How to Repurpose Your Written Material – Lisa Ryan – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Speaker and author Lisa Ryan has written 10 books. She has the unique niche of applying principles of gratitude to the workplace and teaching employers how to value their employees. Lisa shares the origins of her various books and shares her insights about inspiration...