If you’ve ever picked up a book about business that seemed dry and lifeless, you’ll appreciate the idea of adapting story-telling techniques to a business fable book. Mari Ryan’s The Thriving Hive uses these techniques in an engaging way.
Her innovative approach, matched with her collaboration with a book coach, produced an award-winning book.

In this episode of Writing to Get Business, you will learn how to Create a Business Fable Book
● Speakers who have books earn more than speakers who don’t have books.
● If listeners are engaged with your message, they want to continue that engagement by reading a book by you.
● Readers will learn from and emotionally connect to stories in your books.
● A book coach can play a vital role in shaping and improving your book, especially by keeping you on track and committed to the work.
● Authors are increasingly seeing independent publishing as a way to get their books out in a timely way and to have more control over the publishing process.

Announcing: The new smart phone mobile app for enhancing your writing
Your Presenter
Mari Ryan, CEO and founder of Advancing Wellness, is an award winning author, speaker and workplace well-being strategist. For the past decade, Ms. Ryan has been creating healthier businesses and impacting the lives of employees, through her consulting work and speaking on workplace well-being.
Connect with Mari at http://www.advwellness.com