Pat Iyer’s Blog
Book Writing

48 From Book Idea to Launch – John Saunders – Writing to Get Business Podcast
John Saunders, formerly involved in sales and sales leadership on Wall Street, has very recently published The Optimizer: Building and Leading a Team of Serial Innovators. This blueprint for success is full of invaluable information about his book idea He describes in...

47 Body Mind Spirit Self-Care Primer for Busy Women Harriet Tubman Wright
Harriet Tubman Wright has a message for any woman who feels stuck in the role of caretaker: You can’t take care of others unless you take care of yourself first and your body mind spirit. Her business, “The Wright Resort, Your Soul Safari to Success,” focuses on...

Is there a book trapped in you?
According to surveys, up to 80 percent of Americans think they have a book in them. If you are one of the vast majority, you will have a book trapped in you. Consequently, if you can sit down and write a book, you’ve joined those few who will realize their dreams. The...

46 NLP, Sales, and Book Writing: Perfect Together – Jeff Brandeis – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Jeff Brandeis began his working life as an accountant, but his history shows his facility for choosing the less traveled—or at least less likely. He became involved in sales, learned neurolinguistic programming, and has written two books detailing the sales process...

Can Writing a Book Make You Rich?
Lucrative joint venture relationships can make you rich - depending on your project with your partner. I turned a $29.95 book into $8,000 with a JV partnership. Many people are surprised to discover one of the unintended or unexpected benefits of writing a book:...

45 How to Sell a Lot of Customized Books – Susan Friedmann – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Susan Friedmann’s first book sold over 250,000 copies. This launched her into forming Aviva Publishing Company, which publishes over 400 books a year. Susan helps her authors to navigate the world of marketing, and she’s here to share her extensive knowledge with you...

44 Writing in 5 Minutes a Day -Adam Kipnes – Writing to Get Business Podcast
If you have written or plan to write a book to build your business, you need a plan. Adam Kipnes describes how each of his books brings his readers closer to a direct one-to-one business relationship with him. This virtual blueprint for success can help you get the...

43 Snackable Books Joanna Brandi
People are increasingly looking for shorter books with what Pat Iyer, host of this series, calls "snackable book" ideas. These are focused ideas that fit on one page for each. Joanna Brandi has used her three books written in this format to grow her business, get...

42 Overcoming Writer’s Block – Marjorie Saulson – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Do you worry about writer’s block? Do you get great ideas that you later forget? Do your creative and editorial minds fight each other? If any of these are true for you, you will benefit from this interview with best-selling author, Marjorie Saulson. She has dealt...

41 Business Fable Book How Tos – Mari Ryan – Writing to Get Business Podcast
If you’ve ever picked up a book about business that seemed dry and lifeless, you’ll appreciate the idea of adapting story-telling techniques to a business fable book. Mari Ryan’s The Thriving Hive uses these techniques in an engaging way. Her innovative approach,...