Pat Iyer’s Blog
Book Writing

Should You Use a Pen Name?
Below are some considerations on the use of a pen name. To clarify, a pen name is a fictitious name. Do You Care about Being Identified by Gender? For women, this was a big issue in earlier times. Overall, female authors felt that they wouldn’t be taken as seriously...

17 Write a Book in 50 Days – Chad Burmeister – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Have you ever wanted to get a book published quickly? Meet Chad Burmeister, founder and CEO of, who wrote and published his first book in 50 days. In his latest book, he sold forms of sponsorship to support his business at a critical time. Chad is an...

16 How to Outline a Book – Gala Gorman – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Would writing a book be easier for you if you didn’t have to write it from start to finish but could pick up your outline at any point? What if you could break each chapter into shorter chunks you could finish in 20 or 30 minutes? Learn how from Gala Gorman. She’s a...

15 Licensing Your Books for a Revenue Stream – Linda Fostek – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Have you avoided translating your longing to write a book into action? Have you written a book that needs “a little more work” to make it perfect? This is the first of several podcasts in which I interview experienced authors. I’m Pat Iyer, the host of Writing to Get...

Creativity – A Benefit of Writing a Book
Writing a book stimulates your creativity. How often have you thought to yourself, “I’m not creative?” Have you marveled at the creativity of young children playing, wondering where on earth they come up with these crazy ideas? Creativity doesn’t disappear completely...

13 How to Write 101 Book Tips and All About Books – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Two types of books are very good for people who like to do research. I’m not talking here about exhaustive, years-long research, especially for the first category, which I’m generally calling the “101 Book Tips” kind of book. You’ve seen them in the form of books...

12 Writing About Hot Topics – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Many people who feel an urge to write falter when it comes to choosing subject matter or hot topics. They may think that if a subject doesn’t immediately come to mind, they must not really be writers. I'm Pat Iyer and this is Writing to Get Business. I suggest you...

11 Getting Help Writing a Book – Writing to Get Business Podcast
If you are nervous about going it alone in writing a book, this podcast can alleviate your fears. You’ll learn that several alternatives exist to the solo route. You can work with contributors, have a coeditor, be a chief editor with associate editors, or be one of...

10 Grow Your Business as a Book Author – Writing to Get Business Podcast
This is the first of 4 shows devoted to publishing. A lot of would-be authors talk with me about their desire to be a book author. There’s a big difference between desire and drive, and nowhere is it clearer than about writing a book. Desire makes you dream; drive...

Can You Write a Book Without Help?
Yes, you can write a book without help, but it may not be strong. Imagine that you’re in a strange city (before the Corona virus), and you’re lost. You didn’t get directions. People rush by. Do you ask one of them to help you get to your destination or do you find a...