Pat Iyer’s Blog
Book Writing

65 How do You get Your First Book Published-Terry Pappy-Writing to Get Business Podcast
How do you feel about writing or doodling in a book? Terry Pappy, coach, business strategist, and author, has created book series that invite the reader to create with her. She created an ingenious way for readers to use her books over and over again. Keeping the...

How to Go About Getting Your Book Published
For many people, writing the book is the easy part. Whether you have a body of work ready to repurpose (such as a blog you’ve maintained for several years) or a ghostwriter at the ready, or you just really like to write, getting your book on paper is simple. Getting...

64 How Can Simple Writing Help Keep a Reader’s Attention-Pat Boulogne- Writing to Get Business Podcast
Would you like to know if you are writing at a basic enough level? Our guest has a brilliant strategy for ensuring she wrote her book at a simple level. Dr. Pat Boulonge’s world is health. Have you ever had a small but annoying health issue? Learn in this podcast how...

Why Is Writing a Book so Hard?
Writing a book teaches you about your fears and habits. You quickly learn why people ask, "Why is writing a book so hard?" Which of these scenarios best describes you? Are you a self-starter or a procrastinator? Is this you? You wake up refreshed to start your day and...

63 How to Write a Memoir-Laura Conklin- Writing to Get Business Podcast
A memoir can be the riskiest forms of writing because for this kind of book to get traction, it has to have appeal to more people than your mother and father. Laura Conklin, a nurse highly experienced in many areas of her profession, had to carefully plan how she...

62 How to Deal with Employees’ Resistance to Change -April Callis-Birchmeier – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Has the current pace of change in the world hurt your business? How can you learn to adapt to change and not be resistant to change, not only as an individual, but as the leader of a company? No matter where you are in your life, you have experienced phenomenal change...

Who Should Read Your Book: Beta Readers
Rare is the author whose work doesn’t need professional editing or beta readers. However, all authors can reach out to friends, family, fellow writers, and business colleagues as beta readers for evaluation of their work. When to Get Feedback From Beta Readers You can...

61 How to Do a Virtual Book Launch -Linley Baker – Writing to Get Business Podcast
At least 80% of people in the U.S. feel they have a virtual book in them, but for the majority of these would-be writers, the book stays inside. What makes the difference between those who and those who don’t complete and publish a book? Linley Baker’s story provides...

59 How to Write a Chapter for a Compilation Book – Amy Szumstein – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Do you feel the urge to share a story from your life in writing but feel intimidated by the idea of writing an entire book? Amy Szumstein, a nurse and nutrition counselor, who has many varied personal and professional experiences, found that writing a chapter that...

58 How to Run a Virtual Book Tour – Doreen Cumberford – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Everyone has a legacy, the sum of their unique experiences and the lessons learned from them. Doreen Cumberford, an expatriate for over 60 years, shares how she turned her legacy into a book. Life in the Camel Lane, a memoir about her 15 years in Saudi Arabia. Learn...