Pat Iyer’s Blog
Book Writing

Why You Need a Beta Reader
Do you know how easy it is to lose objectivity? I do. I get immersed in my books and sometimes miss the obvious. A beta reader helps you see those spots. You need to trust yourself to write your book. However, you are not the best person to critique it. When you think...

Create Your Book Through Ghostwriting
Authors often ask me how I work with people to create their books. In my role doing ghostwriting, I assist people who are not strong writers or too busy to write and prefer to speak their content. Tips for Successful Ghostwriting 1. It is ideal if the person who's...

Why You Need Beta Readers and How to Find Them
You need to trust yourself to write your book. However, you are not the best person to critique it after a certain point. When you think you’ve gone as far as possible in reading and revising it, you will benefit from having it read from a fresh perspective. This is...

How to Make Time for Writing
The biggest reason I hear would-be writers give for why they don’t write is “I don’t have time.” The secret of time is that we can make time for writing. Earlier this year I Interviewed Seth Greenwald for Legal Nurse Podcast. He wrote his book while commuting back and...

Structure Your Book
You can’t build your book without a blueprint. Knowing how to structure your book will help you make that first critical step - to begin. First, make a list of the benefits your book will offer to your target reader. Then decide how you will organize your content. The...

A Powerful Book – Create its Foundation
Want to write a powerful book that people will love? Check these 7 elements for building its foundation. 1. Create an outline before you start writing. The outline should fit your vision for your powerful book. By researching competing books, by reviewing your...

Write a Book and Expand Your Business
You ask, "Write a book - me?" Are you wondering how to expand your business? Do you have a lot of expertise to share – which you know would help your audience? Has a major segment of the market shifted away from buying your services? Are you questioning your marketing...

How Perfectionism Prevents Publishing
Perfectionism and its sidekick, procrastination, can not only strangle the life out of your writing but prevent it from ever seeing the light of day—i.e., the eyes of others. This is a sinister partnership. Imagine a writer named Julianne. All her life, she’s wanted...

Time to Write a Book: How Do You Get It?
Many authors tell me they feel stuck when it comes to starting a book. That blank screen stymies them. Their desire to be an author and to get the benefits of being published is thwarted by the time to write a book. Writing a book can be an intimidating task. Blank...

How a Writers’ Group Fuels Your Success
The most successful writers of fiction, memoir, and narrative nonfiction know that they can’t go down the writing road alone. When they do the actual writing, quiet and solitude are essential, but for the evaluation stage, their work needs fresh eyes and minds...