Pat Iyer’s Blog
Writing Skills

Effective Emails: Communicate With a Client or Colleague
Do you know how to send out effective emails? You might bristle at the question. "Of course! I email all day long." Have you changed your email techniques since the beginning of the pandemic? On a functional level, most businesses responded quickly to the demands for...

Writing Tips: How to Polish Your Writing
These basic writing tips help you become a better writer. People are writing more now than ever before. Whether it’s writing emails, stories, books or blog posts, you must know the basics of writing. Don’t show your writing inexperience by making rookie mistakes....

Writing Your Best Content: 4 Myths that Keep You from Writing Irresistible Content
Writing your best content begins with understanding the purpose of your writing. Are you creating a blog post or a sales page? Do you want to attract more people? Do you feel stuck? If you’re lacking the leads you need for your business or finding that although you...

12 Top Writing Tips You Should Know
Looking for writing tips? Along with the quality of the information presented, you should also factor in readability. Focus on making your writing as easy to read as possible. Your goal is for readers to understand and absorb the information you present, so don’t make...

Are you a bad writer?
It is common for writers to have doubts about their abilities. This, like the fear of imperfection, can stop people from launching their writing careers. The label of "bad writer" stops them in their tracks. Bad writing is fixable. Stephen King disagrees with me. In...

How to Give Your Emails Power
Words That Give Your Emails Power Marketing emails need to quickly capture your reader's attention. Keep your power words short and simple to give your emails power. Three factors make certain words powerful. Usually, they’re short. Consider words like “Buy,” “Now,”...

64 How Can Simple Writing Help Keep a Reader’s Attention-Pat Boulogne- Writing to Get Business Podcast
Would you like to know if you are writing at a basic enough level? Our guest has a brilliant strategy for ensuring she wrote her book at a simple level. Dr. Pat Boulonge’s world is health. Have you ever had a small but annoying health issue? Learn in this podcast how...

40 How to Continually Improve Your Books – Julie Ann Sullivan – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Julie Ann Sullivan, author of six books, began with a self-printed book. Each of her following books developed in sophistication and broadened outreach, including a best-selling compilation volume. As her career has shifted, so has the focus of her books. She knows...

27 Lights Camera Action – Marc Haine- Writing to Get Business Podcast
An author who discovers new ways to experience different aspects of the world can change your life. Marc Haine, author of Lights Camera Action has created an original and practical way to understand and change how we do business. Why this title? Read on, and learn how...

Creativity – A Benefit of Writing a Book
Writing a book stimulates your creativity. How often have you thought to yourself, “I’m not creative?” Have you marveled at the creativity of young children playing, wondering where on earth they come up with these crazy ideas? Creativity doesn’t disappear completely...