Pat Iyer’s Blog

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Why Blogging is Important for Business

"Why should I have a blog ? What business purpose would I get from a blog?" If you've asked yourself why blogging is important for business, here are my tips as a blogger for 13 years. Yes, I started blogging in 2009 and have written thousands of blog posts....

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How to Avoid Common Nonfiction Errors

How to Avoid Common Nonfiction Errors

If you are a beginning writer, you may have written essays or term papers in high school and college. If you went to graduate school, you may have written a thesis. However, unless you wrote for a school paper or other publication, your experience in writing...

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Can You Write a Book Without Help?

Can You Write a Book Without Help?

Yes, you can write a book without help, but it may not be strong. Imagine that you’re in a strange city (before the Corona virus), and you’re lost. You didn’t get directions. People rush by. Do you ask one of them to help you get to your destination or do you find a...

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Why You Need a Beta Reader

Why You Need a Beta Reader

Do you know how easy it is to lose objectivity? I do. I get immersed in my books and sometimes miss the obvious. A beta reader helps you see those spots. You need to trust yourself to write your book. However, you are not the best person to critique it. When you think...

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How to get attention with your emails

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