by Pat Iyer | Jan 3, 2019 | Blog, Publishing, Video
What does it take for coeditors to work together well? I’ve worked with coeditors on several of my textbooks. The Role of Coeditors Once your plan for your book includes more than about 12 chapters you will usually need help from a coeditor. A coeditor needs to...
by Pat Iyer | Dec 27, 2018 | Blog, Publishing
Have you written a book? Are you thinking of publishing one? Are you aware of the publishing scams? The desire to see your work published is a passionate one. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous individuals and entities will exploit your desire, take your money, and...
by Pat Iyer | Dec 21, 2018 | Blog, Writing Skills
You’ve heard people use filler phrases when they talk: “Um”, “Well”, “Really”, or “Like”. Are you guilty of using filler phrases in your writing? I heard about a writer who set the goal of removing one unnecessary...
by Pat Iyer | Dec 13, 2018 | Blog, Video, Writing Skills
You can write the best story ever told, but without a good headline, I won’t read your article. Experts estimate that 80 to 90 percent of people who read a headline won’t go on to read an article because the headline didn’t grab their attention. That doesn’t...
by Pat Iyer | Dec 8, 2018 | Blog, Video, Writing Skills
Bloated writing, like a bloated stomach after a big meal, can put you to sleep. Is your writing lean? Have you ever read a piece of writing that bored you without your knowing why? You started reading it because you had an interest in the subject, but you found...