Book Cover: How You are Judged

Book Cover: How You are Judged

Whether people are browsing on Amazon or another bookselling platform or in their local bookstore, a book’s cover is the first element to attract them. That’s why a good book cover is vital to your book’s selling success. Whether you are self-publishing a book or...
Why You Deserve to be a Writer

Why You Deserve to be a Writer

You may think your undertaking to write and publish your book is very different from sending a manuscript to a greedy publishing house whose main purpose is to profit from your desire to write, but you have other doubts. You may question: do you deserve to be a...
What is Vanity Publishing?

What is Vanity Publishing?

You’re planning to write or you’ve just written a book. When you tell a friend about your project, he asks you about agents and publishing houses. You respond that you’ve looked into self-publishing, and you think you’ll follow that route. He doesn’t sneer (at least,...