Pat Iyer’s Blog

The Danger of Blogging
If you’ve read my latest book, 52 Writing Tips: Fast and Easy Ways to Polish Your Writing, you know that I devote one section to blogging, with several articles to help both novice and experienced bloggers. Why, then, would I describe blogging as dangerous? Done...

28 How to Repurpose Your Written Material – Lisa Ryan – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Speaker and author Lisa Ryan has written 10 books. She has the unique niche of applying principles of gratitude to the workplace and teaching employers how to value their employees. Lisa shares the origins of her various books and shares her insights about inspiration...

What is the Ideal Blog Post Length?
Are you puzzled by this question: "What is the ideal blog post length?" You've heard various numbers, and they swirl around in your head. As part of your work writing blogs, you read other blogs (I highly recommend this).Are you confused about the ideal blog post...

14 Get the Most out of Blogging – Writing to Get Business Podcast
Is there value in blogging or it is old school? Is it really worth the time it takes? I'm Pat Iyer with Writing to Get Business. This podcast is carried by C Suite Radio Network, the largest business podcast platform in the world. A shout out to my listeners in 6...
Why Blogging is Important for Business
"Why should I have a blog ? What business purpose would I get from a blog?" If you've asked yourself why blogging is important for business, here are my tips as a blogger for 13 years. Yes, I started blogging in 2009 and have written thousands of blog posts....

Blogging and Relationship Marketing: Perfect Together
If you are a beginning blogger, you may mainly be concerned with getting posts written. As you gain confidence, learn to think of blogging as a vehicle for relationship marketing. They go together. Blogging shows your expertise – you’re connecting with your readers...

Meet Blogging Deadlines: 5 Step Process
An actively updated blog does wonders for your search engine optimization. Recently I attended a conference of women entrepreneurs. Of the approximately 75 people present, about one third of them had blogs. Only two people in the room, including me, blogged once a...

How to Use Statistics Effectively in Your Blog
If you’re like me, you may have a temptation to shudder at the word, “statistics.” When I found out I had to take statistics in graduate school, I almost didn't go. The thought of algebra turned my stomach. I know, you might find math to be fun and do math problems as...

How to Conquer Blogger’s Block
If you’ve ever worried that you don’t have any ideas for your blog, here is how to conquer blogger’s block. Blogger’s block is a special kind of writer’s block. A fiction writer may get stuck in a story because something is missing: a plot element, a needed character,...

Blogs and Newsletters: What’s the Difference?
Do you need both blogs and newsletters? How are they different? Maybe you’ve been writing a blog for a long time, or perhaps you’ve just begun. Either way, you know it takes time and a regular commitment to keep your blog from gathering dust...