Pat Iyer’s Blog

How Often Should You Send an Email Newsletter
I stared at boxes of printed newsletters and questioned my commitment to printed newsletters. Was this worth the expense? Should I send an email newsletter instead? And if so, how often? I'll share with you why I switched from a printed to a digital newsletter and how...

How Often Do You Check Your Blog’s Stats?
As a blogger, you’re convinced of blogging’s value. You have lots of ideas, and you like to write. What could go wrong? You can get consumed by the desire for your blog to be (very) popular. How often do you check your blog's stats? One of the biggest mistake...

Three Suggestions to Revive Your Blog
Does your blog seem to be in hibernation? If so, these suggestions may return it to life. When you let a blog lie dormant, you miss marketing opportunities and become much less visible. I've been blogging since 2009. I've written thousands of blog posts for people...

Attract and Keep Readers with How-To Blogs
We are driven by our need for answers to solve common problem and turn to how-to blogs and videos for help. A how-to blog can strengthen your relationship with readers and potential customers and clients. Take advantage of one of the Internet’s primary benefits: the...

Difference between Content Curation and Content Creation
As a blogger, you don't always have to create content from scratch. Content curation helps busy readers - and you. The more comfortable you get with blogging, the more you can focus on providing value for your readers. Here’s an area where readers will greatly...

Top 12 Types of Blog Posts
Why change up your types of blog posts? As you fine-tune your blogging skills, you’ll discover that you don’t want to follow the same types of blog posts in every post. Also, if you’ve been blogging for years, you can get bored. I’ve been blogging since...

How to Write a Successful Blog- Top 10 Tips
How can you engage your readers and make them want more content from you? What goes into a successful blog? Are you tempted to give readers convoluted sentence structure and big words? Most blog owners who try to do that will lose their audiences, so the blog...

How to make a Memorable Blog
What Makes a Blog Memorable? has one of the most entertaining blogs I’ve seen on a corporate web site. Zapponians, as they call themselves, use photos, videos, and attention-attracting headlines combined with compelling stories. They’ve raised the blog to...

How to create a blog that generates income
You spend a lot of time thinking of topics, finding images, and writing your blog. Unless you are writing a blog about your hobby per personal life, or simply love to write, you might wonder if you can earn money from all that effort. Does it make sense to use...

The Danger of Blogging
If you’ve read my latest book, 52 Writing Tips: Fast and Easy Ways to Polish Your Writing, you know that I devote one section to blogging, with several articles to help both novice and experienced bloggers. Why, then, would I describe blogging as dangerous? Done...