by Pat Iyer | Oct 30, 2019 | Blog, Writing Skills
As any driver knows, when you change lanes, you’re supposed to signal your intention to do so in order to warn drivers behind you. This helps to prevent accidents. Do you signal your intentions when you use we versus you? I’ve noticed that speakers and writers often...
by Pat Iyer | Oct 24, 2019 | Blog, Book writing
You can’t build your book without a blueprint. Knowing how to structure your book will help you make that first critical step – to begin. First, make a list of the benefits your book will offer to your target reader. Then decide how you will organize your...
by Pat Iyer | Oct 17, 2019 | Blog, Book writing
Want to write a powerful book that people will love? Check these 7 elements for building its foundation. 1. Create an outline before you start writing. The outline should fit your vision for your powerful book. By researching competing books, by reviewing your...
by Pat Iyer | Oct 3, 2019 | Blog, Editing, Video
You’ve written a report, speech, newsletter, or other document. You’ve put a lot of time and thought into it. You have an investment in it. Now you need to edit your work. You can find lots of practical advice about how to edit your work. However, none of these...
by Pat Iyer | Sep 26, 2019 | Blog, Blogging
If you’ve ever worried that you don’t have any ideas for your blog, here is how to conquer blogger’s block. Blogger’s block is a special kind of writer’s block. A fiction writer may get stuck in a story because something is missing: a plot element, a needed character,...