by Pat Iyer | Feb 28, 2020 | Blog, Podcast, Writing process
One of the biggest ideas that stops people from writing is that it’s hard work. I’ve mentioned before in this podcast how greatly our school experiences have conditioned us into a lot of negative beliefs about writing. This is one of those beliefs. A belief isn’t...
by Pat Iyer | Feb 27, 2020 | Blog, Podcast, Writing process
If you’d love to write a book but feel you don’t have the time, this podcast will introduce you to some proven techniques for finding the time you don’t think you have. I’ll show you how to track your time, and I guarantee that you’ll find enough to write a book. You...
by Pat Iyer | Feb 17, 2020 | Blog, Podcast, Writing process
Two of the biggest mistakes new writers make with their first draft are: They forget that this is A FIRST DRAFT. You can make mistakes, ignore correct spelling. Get those words down. They also slow themselves down by tormenting themselves for not spending enough hours...
by Pat Iyer | Feb 12, 2020 | Blog, Podcast, Writing process
So, you’re not J. K. Rowling or Steven King. And you’re not Jack Canfield, who has sold 500 million books. Neither am I, and I’ve written or edited 48 books, countless blog posts, articles, and teaching materials. That number of books doesn’t include the books I’ve...
by Pat Iyer | Feb 10, 2020 | Blog, Podcast
How can you use your writing skills to build your authority, credibility and business? Writing to Get Business shows you how. I’m Pat Iyer and I am an editor, ghostwriter, and book coach. In the next four podcasts, (2, 3 4 and 5) I will focus on the process of writing...