Write a Book and Expand Your Business

Write a Book and Expand Your Business

You ask, “Write a book – me?” Are you wondering how to expand your business? Do you have a lot of expertise to share – which you know would help your audience? Has a major segment of the market shifted away from buying your services? Are you...
The Power of Headlines in Writing

The Power of Headlines in Writing

Many features can make or break the power of headlines to draw in a reader. Length Matters Google usually displays 50-60 characters of a headline, so, regardless of a headline’s length, the beginning needs to be compelling. In general, for English-language headlines,...
How Perfectionism Prevents Publishing

How Perfectionism Prevents Publishing

Perfectionism and its sidekick, procrastination, can not only strangle the life out of your writing but prevent it from ever seeing the light of day—i.e., the eyes of others. This is a sinister partnership. Imagine a writer named Julianne. All her life, she’s wanted...
Lean Writing: How to Cut the Bloat

Lean Writing: How to Cut the Bloat

Editing to remove bloat makes your writing leaner. Bloat occurs when one word makes another unnecessary. Adjectives can create bloat. I covered them in this post. This post presents tips on unnecessary pairings of words, which weaken your writing. Create lean writing...
Powerful Punctuation Point: Parentheses

Powerful Punctuation Point: Parentheses

She Lost a Job Opportunity Because of Punctuation Errors I know this because she lost a job with me. I looked at countless resumes when I had my own business. The moment I saw a typographical error, grammatical mistake, or punctuation error, I stopped reading. Do you...