Put Your Writing on a Diet

Put Your Writing on a Diet

Is there fat you can trim from your writing? Is it time to put your writing on a diet? Deleting redundant phrases makes your writing more professional. I wish I could say that one of the most dramatic signs of amateurish writing is using redundant phrases....
How to Make Time for Writing

How to Make Time for Writing

The biggest reason I hear would-be writers give for why they don’t write is “I don’t have time.” The secret of time is that we can make time for writing. Earlier this year I Interviewed Seth Greenwald for Legal Nurse Podcast. He wrote his book while commuting back and...
Why You Deserve to be a Writer

Why You Deserve to be a Writer

You may think your undertaking to write and publish your book is very different from sending a manuscript to a greedy publishing house whose main purpose is to profit from your desire to write, but you have other doubts. You may question: do you deserve to be a...
Just the Facts, Please

Just the Facts, Please

The Internet is loaded with misinformation. Make sure you keep your credibility – always check the facts. Professional speakers share stories of people in their audiences who are fact checking them, and raising their hands to refute something the speaker just...
How to Use Statistics Effectively in Your Blog

How to Use Statistics Effectively in Your Blog

If you’re like me, you may have a temptation to shudder at the word, “statistics.” When I found out I had to take statistics in graduate school, I almost didn’t go. The thought of algebra turned my stomach. I know, you might find math to be fun and do math...