How to Define the Benefits of Your How To Book

How to Define the Benefits of Your How To Book

“What will my reader get from my how to book?” Don’t begin writing your book without answering this question. If you’re writing a how-to nonfiction book, you’re not writing to entertain your readers. They’re looking for information. They want answers to...
Use Quotations to Enliven Your Writing

Use Quotations to Enliven Your Writing

Sprinkling quotations into your writing is a very effective way to improve it. Doing this serves a number of functions. Quotations summarize a point you’re making in your work. They also emphasize this point. A quotation by someone both famous and respected gives...
Writing Practice Makes Perfect

Writing Practice Makes Perfect

If you want to have a successful business, you need to either get comfortable with writing practice or have deep pockets to hire a writer. Even if you do have a large surplus to invest in your business, you could probably think of a dozen better uses for it. You’ve...
Write With Your Own Voice

Write With Your Own Voice

Many beginning writers make one mistake that dooms their books to failure. The don’t write with their own voice. They avoid putting themselves into their writing, thinking that an objective, personality-free tone will make them sound more professional. Instead,...