by Pat Iyer | Mar 26, 2020 | Blog, Book writing, Podcast
This is the first of 4 shows devoted to publishing. A lot of would-be authors talk with me about their desire to be a book author. There’s a big difference between desire and drive, and nowhere is it clearer than about writing a book. Desire makes you dream; drive...
by Pat Iyer | Mar 20, 2020 | Blog, Podcast, Writing Skills, Writing Style
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Location, location, location” in reference to buying or renting real estate. The concept of location also applies to an article or book. The prime real estate is the headline and the line that follows it. I know you are familiar with...
by Pat Iyer | Mar 20, 2020 | Blog, Book writing
Yes, you can write a book without help, but it may not be strong. Imagine that you’re in a strange city (before the Corona virus), and you’re lost. You didn’t get directions. People rush by. Do you ask one of them to help you get to your destination or do you find a...
by Pat Iyer | Mar 13, 2020 | Blog, Book writing
Do you know how easy it is to lose objectivity? I do. I get immersed in my books and sometimes miss the obvious. A beta reader helps you see those spots. You need to trust yourself to write your book. However, you are not the best person to critique it. When you think...
by Pat Iyer | Mar 12, 2020 | Blog, Podcast, Writing Style
One of the biggest reasons people have for not having a newsletter, either for their business or for a book or other writing, is not knowing what to write for it. The best way to find out is to see what other people in your area of expertise write. You aren’t going to...