Here’s a big fear we all have when it comes to writing a book: What if no one buys it? When I interviewed potential authors about their fears, they cited book marketing, and lack of sales, as big concerns.
While that is always possible, with a little planning and advanced buzz, it’s highly unlikely you’ll have no sales. The key is to get others excited about your book, and to get them talking and sharing the news with their friends.
Plan Your Book Marketing Well Ahead of the Launch
Make the Interview Rounds
Two to three months prior to your book release, have your virtual assistant begin researching podcasts, blogs and other media outlets for potential interviews. Create a press package to send out, including headshots, book cover art, blurbs and testimonials, and let everyone know that you’re looking for interviews and guest posting opportunities.
Blog About It
You are your own best publicist; so don’t be afraid to toot your own horn on your blog, in your email newsletter, and on social media. Include images of the cover, blurbs from advance readers, and give your audience plenty of time to get excited about the upcoming launch, so when the buy button finally goes up they’re eager to get a copy.
Boosted Posts
Facebook is a terrific way to get new eyes on your book. Se ta budget and stick to it.
Host a Virtual Launch Party for Book Marketing
Weeks before your official publication date, it’s time to start revving up the launch engine. Offering bonuses for early purchases, incentives for a review, and free chapter downloads are all proven strategies for building the buzz for your upcoming book.
See how Linley Baker handled her virtual launch. I served as Linley’s editor and was thrilled to meet the people she interviewed when I participated in her launch party.
Launch team
Bring a launch team together the people in your life who have influence, a willingness to help you, and a commitment to following through. Their extended reach and support will multiply your book marketing efforts.
Turn your beta readers into a launch team. There is a good chance that when your readers help you throughout the writing process, they feel more committed to helping you at launch time. See how John Saunders managed his beta readers and funded his publishing.
Free Kindle Days
This technique alone can catapult your book to bestsellerdom in a matter of days. The key is to build up a buzz on your mailing list, share, share, share on social media, and ask your friends and colleagues to do the same.
Book marketing isn’t as easy as simply listing it on Amazon and becoming an instant bestseller. Anyone who tells you that is the exception to the rule. But that doesn’t mean selling your book is impossible either. With some strategic planning and a little effort, you can have a fantastic launch, whether it’s your first book or your fourteenth.
Pat Iyer has launched 49 books.