Are you thinking about writing your first book? Do you want to switch your teaching and writing focus? Do you wonder how you can turn your passion into profit? This podcast is for you.
From compilation books to cookbooks, with titles ranging from Kill the Elevator Speech to Daily Business Meeting with God, Felicia Slattery’s writing experience is widely diversified. As an educator and public speaker, she has a gift for sharing what she’s learned. This podcast is a virtual mini-course in how to write that first book and how to turn life experiences, hobbies, and even chance remarks into books.
If one phrase characterizes Felicia’s approach, it’s her ability to seize opportunities. When a publisher asked her to act as an advance reader for a new book, she agreed and asked the publisher if he’d be interested in hearing about an idea she had for a book. He responded positively, and before long; she had a book contract.
Initially, the pandemic flattened Felicia’s business, which was largely based on public speaking and teaching and coaching others to do the same. She switched gears and began teaching online. Seeing that the platform from which she was teaching also featured cooking classes, she used her love of cooking to break out into a new area of teaching, writing, and publishing. To promote her new passion, she also launched a successful YouTube channel.
If you have a question, Felicia has an answer. You’ll want to experience this Writing to get Business podcast more than once

Join Pat in this episode of Writing to get Business Podcast and learn about Creating Cook Books
• How can you turn a teaching program into a book?
• What is the easiest way to write a first book?
• What do publishers look for in a book?
• Why should authors with a strong platform NOT have to pay a publisher to get their book published?
• What is the benefit for a first-time author of doing a compilation book?
Tips for writing a powerful book: How to get started

Announcing: The new smart phone mobile app for enhancing your writing
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What’s on the app?
The app puts our content in one place for you.
Whether you have an hour or 10 minutes to spare, you’ll find something on the app to enjoy. –
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Your Presenter
Felicia Slattery is an award-winning home cook who began her first food blog in 2013. She is the best-selling author of 8 books, including her first cookbook, “Plant-Based Slow Cooker Cookbook.” An internationally acclaimed professional speaker and public speaking coach, thanks to a necessary “pandemic pivot,” she is living her dream of developing a cooking show on her YouTube Channel. You can see more about her at PlantBasedHomeCooking.com and join her free Facebook group Plant-Based Home Cooking with Felicia Slattery, where she regularly shares her recipes, her stories, and helps others discover the joy of living a healthy plant-based lifestyle.
Connect with Felicia at https://plantbasedhomecooking.com
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