With this podcast, I step out of my traditional role as objective interviewer and become fully immersed in the author’s passion for emotional healing. I can think of no greater tribute to Regina Bergman, a woman, who has transcended her work description of profit acceleration and exit strategy specialist.

Regina’s writing career took her along a very different path. When she heard about a woman whose husband, without warning, said they were getting a divorce, she felt a powerful urge to write a book that could help save marriage, especially those in the “empty nest” stage. She interviewed many couples all over the world and from their answers, developed strategies based on the essential nature of communication for couples.

Her second book developed after she became widowed after 44 years of marriage. Struggling to work through what she calls the “widow’s fog,” she again turned to interviewing, this time to those who were going through grief. Realizing that she wanted to offer more than a book, she has partnered with grief experts to create an online membership platform to guide people through the grief process.

Regina’s passion is contagious. I wasn’t prepared to have an old grief reawakened, so this podcast comes with a warning: Get out your tissues.


Join Pat in this episode of Writing to get Business Podcast and learn how to Bullet Proof Your Marriage

• How can identifying a problem you want to solve create a book?

• In what ways can an author who uses an interview format protect the privacy of interviewees?

• How can an author interviewing people about an issue that’s personal and painful for her maintain the needed distance for the interviews?

• In what ways can an author maximize a book’s potential outreach by creating an online platform that offers practical ways for readers to work with the book’s principles?

• Why can it be valuable to partner with experts in the field about which an author writes?


 Tips for writing a powerful book: How to get started

Announcing: The new smart phone mobile app for enhancing your writing

  • Want to learn on the go?
  • No more lugging around your laptop, waiting for your laptop to boot up, hooking into wifi, typing long URLs, or repeatedly signing into our system.
  • You’ll get instant access to information in several formats. Carry your content in your pocket.

What’s on the app?

The app puts our content in one place for you.

Whether you have an hour or 10 minutes to spare, you’ll find something on the app to enjoy. –

  • Free online training
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  • Free resources


Your Presenter

International Best-Selling Author, Public Speaker, and Business Growth Specialist, Regina transforms businesses into profitable enterprises, both online and offline.

Connect with Regina BridgeportIsMarketing.com

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