The COVID epidemic has given many people a new urgency to live a purpose-driven life. Those who once had an “I’ll do it one of these days” mindset have had to confront the possibility that they have less time to realize their purposes than they’d thought.
For Ron Karr, salesperson, consultant, and former president of the National Speakers Association, the epidemic provided the opportunity to write The Velocity Mindset: How Leaders Eliminate Resistance, Gain Buy-In, and Achieve Better Results—Faster. This book addresses both the need to live a purpose-driven life and the obstacles to realizing our purposes.
The book details how resistance can keep us from that fulfillment. Resistance is based on the stories we tell ourselves about how we can’t achieve what we want. Ron emphasizes that these stories originate within us. This means that we have the power to change them, and the book provides advice about how to do this.
Ron and I also discuss what a post-COVID workplace might look like, an issue with which many business leaders are struggling. Ron brings his expertise and insight to this subject. Don’t miss this provocative and challenging show of Writing to Get Business Podcast:

Join Pat in this episode of Writing to get Business Podcast and learn more about Ron Karr
• What is the velocity mindset?
• How does being purpose-driven differ from being task-driven?
• How does purpose determine process?
• In what ways do the stories we tell ourselves determine our outcomes in life?
• Why is it critical not to set purposes based on past expectations?

Announcing: The new smart phone mobile app for enhancing your writing
- Is there an article trapped inside you that is aching to get written?
- Are you interested in developing or expanding your ability to write for publication?
- Are you unsure how to get started as an author?
- Does the idea of writing seem so overwhelming that you do not know how to start?
- Do you hesitate when you write, unclear if your punctuation or grammar is correct?
- Are you afraid of being embarrassed by misusing words?
- Are you concerned with avoiding traps associated with being an author or editor?
Your Presenter
For 36+ years, Ron Karr has excelled at sales and leadership positions, for which he is recognized as the leading “Sales Success Expert” and has appeared as a guest on national TV including FOX , Bloomberg, C-Suite Network and others. He is an in-Demand Global Keynote Speaker, and Highly Acclaimed Author of Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way.
Connect with Ron at http://ronkarr.com / http://www.velocitymindset.com
Or on social media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ronkarr
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ronkarr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ronkarr1