Some of the most helpful books develop from the author’s painful business trauma experiences. Three traumatic mergers and acquisitions drove Jennifer Frondrevay to embrace the opportunity to help others successfully handle such crises.
She has received very rewarding feedback from her readers and ended up with a career as a consultant.

In this episode of Writing to Get Business, you will learn how becoming an author and writing about business trauma can be a life-changing experience.
● If you want to help people by publishing a book that addresses major pain points in their lives, you owe it to them and to yourself to do so.
● Books that address the current range of crises society faces are especially important.
● When you consider how to publish it, give special thought to the value of getting it out quickly without sacrificing quality.
● Although the idea of having a company publish your book may lure you, you may market it more effectively yourself, at less personal cost.
● Illustrations bring life to the message of your book.

Announcing: The new smart phone mobile app for enhancing your writing
Your Presenter
Jennifer J Fondrevay is the Founder of Day1 ReadyTM, a consultancy that advises forward- thinking business leaders, owners and C-Suite executives on how to prepare for the human capital challenges of M&A. As a Fortune 500 C-Suite “survivor” of three multi-billion-dollar acquisitions, Jennifer has been on all sides of the deal equation. She saw countless growth strategies fail due to a workforce that couldn’t pivot and adapt as quickly as leadership anticipated.
When her Harvard Business Review (HBR) article, “After a Merger, Don’t Let “Us vs. Them” Thinking Ruin the Company” went viral, Jennifer recognized the power and interest in a human-centric approach to business transformation, where employees are at the heart of the change. She shares her expertise as a contributor to: Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Thrive Global, American Marketing Association, Middle Market Growth; and as a frequent podcast guest and keynote speaker for HR conferences, associations and Fortune 500 companies.
Connect with Jennifer at https://jenniferjfondrevay.com/