Have you found yourself unable to express something that you desperately needed to say? Meet Kristine Grant, who after twenty years as a therapist, applied her knowledge, intuition, and inspiration to the unique writing career of ghostwriting letters and penning messages for people.
Could this unusual field be for you? It demonstrates the value of ghostwriting.

In this episode of Writing to Get Business podcast learn about Ghostwriting Letters
● It’s challenging to write about a situation that’s too close to you.
● A writer with the empathy and skills to know what you want to say can help.
● Businesspeople often need help composing messages that can untangle their interpersonal relationships.
● Kristine has repurposed letters and stories connected to her service into books.
● She credits empathy and intuition for her success.

Announcing: The new smart phone mobile app for enhancing your writing
Your Presenter
Kristine Grant, retired Marriage & Family Therapist and School Psychologist is an acclaimed relationship expert especially within the realm of communication. She is the creator of the Relationshift Process and Inspired Heart Letters, a novel approach and unique coaching tool that magically transforms any matter of the heart.
Kristine is the published author of Be Friendship Focused , (an anti-bullying, self-empowerment program for children ages 8-12), as well as the A-Z Power Cards , a fun, conversational, character-building card deck which she created, along with her then, 12 year old daughter, Alana. Both are available on Amazon and published by Youthlight Inc.
Connect with Kristine https://kristinegrant.com