Would writing a book be easier for you if you didn’t have to write it from start to finish but could pick up your outline at any point? What if you could break each chapter into shorter chunks you could finish in 20 or 30 minutes? Learn how from Gala Gorman.
She’s a former CPA, currently a student of Chinese medicine, and the author of Sage Advice and A Spiritual Approach to Problem-Solving and other books. Her approach to writing can teach you how to take a day-by-day approach that will get your book finished.

In this podcast you will learn how to outline a book
● Why writing your book on napkins really works
● How this approach also works for right-brained people, too
● Why if you really want that book to read well, you need an editor
● The importance of a professional looking cover and interior
● Why self-publishing is the best option for most authors

Announcing: The new smart phone mobile app for enhancing your writing
Your Presenter
In the late 1990’s, after retiring from an accounting firm I co-founded, I was consulting and coaching to businesses while also completing a Master’s Degree in Human Development. Inspired by my graduate studies, I authored articles and books on holistic methods for solving both personal and business difficulties.
I gained popularity as a teacher, speaker and also a coach, by sharing the methods that had served me well over the years. One thing led to another and I completed my doctoral studies in 2004 with a ministerial doctorate degree in Holistic Life Coaching.