Many people who feel an urge to write falter when it comes to choosing subject matter or hot topics. They may think that if a subject doesn’t immediately come to mind, they must not really be writers.
I’m Pat Iyer and this is Writing to Get Business.
I suggest you think of yourself as someone with talent and desire who seeks an outlet. One way to channel it is to write on a “hot topic,” not a topic that will fade away when the next crisis emerges, but a subject that has longevity, such as the problems of marketing, customer service, leadership and communication.
By searching on amazon.com and platforms, you can learn not only what’s popular but where there are openings for new books on hot topics.

A related problem writers encounter centers on the advice, “Write what you know about.” It helps to get specific. Through keeping a journal, you can discover what about your life experiences can contribute to a book. If, to take the example of marketing, you have experience with the subject, that belongs in your book. Such a book will have much more appeal to readers than one that is dry and statistical.
Here’s what Pat has to say about Hot Topics:
● A “hot topic” is really a subject of widespread and enduring interest.
● Amazon is a good source for finding hot topics.
● Check out the cultural and social sections of news sources.
● Asking yourself why you want to write a book can help you come up with topics.
● Get as specific as you can in terms of your topic.

Announcing: The new smart phone mobile app for enhancing your writing
Your Presenter

Hi, I’m Pat Iyer. I am a nurse, an author, a ghostwriter, an editor and book coach. Yes, I know that is a mouthful. I put this podcast together to focus on how your writing builds your authority, credibility and ability to get business. This show will feature topics on the process and style of writing, tips on writing and publishing and marketing books, copywriting, and blogging. In short, anything that helps you get business through your writing.
This weekly podcast will give you shortcuts, tips, strategies and support around your writing projects.
As of this episode, I have written or coauthored or coedited 49 books, with 1 more planned for 2020. My books created jobs, established my credibility in my field, gave me new opportunities, and built my name recognition. I love to talk about writing and I’m sold on the value of writing to bring you business and hope you are too.