Two of the biggest mistakes new writers make with their first draft are:
They forget that this is A FIRST DRAFT. You can make mistakes, ignore correct spelling. Get those words down.
They also slow themselves down by tormenting themselves for not spending enough hours writing.
I will share with you some personally tested methods for not doing either of these two things.
The other necessity for first-draft success is making an outline first (at least, for non-fiction). Does that word make you cringe?
Because many of us had teachers who saved their most boring speeches for subjects like grammar or spelling, and also outlining, we hear those words and, not surprisingly, think, “boring.”
My goal in this podcast is to help you see outlining as a priceless tool. It will also save you loads of time and will make your finished book a better one. Try looking at it this way; you couldn’t stand on your own two feet without a skeleton. Think of the outline as your book’s skeleton.
How To Begin Your First Draft

For anyone here—and I know you’re here—who’s thinking, “But I don’t have a logical mind. I’m right-brained,” I have an approach for you, too. It’s called reverse outlining, and it’s just as effective in building the structure of your book. It’s a right-brained person’s dream come true.
● Why people have so much trouble with first drafts
● Tested techniques to make writing a first draft MUCH easier
● Overcome the fear of outlining
● How outlining makes writing easier
● The magic of reverse outlining

Announcing: The new smart phone mobile app for enhancing your writing
Your Presenter

Hi, I’m Pat Iyer. I am a nurse, an author, a ghostwriter, an editor and book coach. Yes, I know that is a mouthful. I put this podcast together to focus on how your writing builds your authority, credibility and ability to get business. This show will feature topics on the process and style of writing, tips on writing and publishing and marketing books, copywriting, and blogging. In short, anything that helps you get business through your writing.
This weekly podcast will give you shortcuts, tips, strategies and support around your writing projects.
As of this episode, I have written or coauthored or coedited 48 books, with 2 more planned for 2020. My books created jobs, established my credibility in my field, gave me new opportunities, and built my name recognition. I love to talk about writing and I’m sold on the value of writing to bring you business and hope you are too.