So, you’re not J. K. Rowling or Steven King. And you’re not Jack Canfield, who has sold 500 million books. Neither am I, and I’ve written or edited 48 books, countless blog posts, articles, and teaching materials. That number of books doesn’t include the books I’ve ghostwritten or edited for others.
I’m Pat Iyer and I am an editor, ghostwriter, and book coach. In the next four podcasts, (2, 3 4 and 5) I will focus on the process of writing and tackle the barriers that can hold you back. I identified these barriers by talking to people who shared their fears, frustrations, and challenges about writing.

In this podcast, I break down the major benefits of being published. Some are practical; some are personal. All are important.
For some people, the chance to achieve these benefits will be enough to get them into motion. Others need more.
● Why is the headline of your email so important?
● How long should a headline be?
● How can a headline best target your reader?
● What power words effectively capture your reader’s attention?
● Why is “Truth in advertising” so important?

Announcing: The new smart phone mobile app for enhancing your writing
Your Presenter

Hi, I’m Pat Iyer. I am a nurse, an author, a ghostwriter, an editor and book coach. Yes, I know that is a mouthful. I put this podcast together to focus on how your writing builds your authority, credibility and ability to get business. This show will feature topics on the process and style of writing, tips on writing and publishing and marketing books, copywriting, and blogging. In short, anything that helps you get business through your writing.
This weekly podcast will give you shortcuts, tips, strategies and support around your writing projects.
As of this episode, I have written or coauthored or coedited 48 books, with 2 more planned for 2020. My books created jobs, established my credibility in my field, gave me new opportunities, and built my name recognition. I love to talk about writing and I’m sold on the value of writing to bring you business and hope you are too.