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Tips for Writing a Powerful Book: How to Get Started Card Deck
When you are blocked, questioning if the effort is worthwhile, facing writing obstacles, not knowing how to proceed, you feel like you are walking through mud. And you need to realize, there is a cost to being stalled.
Would you love quick reminders and tips to get your book done?
When you order the Tips for Writing a Powerful Book: How to Get Started card deck today, you’ll get the keys to:
- Overcoming writer’s block
- Managing your motivation to keep on track
- Discovering bite-sized tips from an experienced author on how to write your book
The Publishing Kickstarter
The Pat Iyer Group
Do you want to feel comfortable that you are writing well? 52 Writing Tips gives you fast and easy ways to polish your writing
Are you interested in developing or expanding your ability to write for publication? How to Get Published takes you through a step-by-step process for writing an article, chapter or book.
Are you unsure if you should self-publish your book, seek a hybrid publisher, or search for a traditional publisher?
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