In today’s competitive environment, the person with publications stands out. Writing is a skill that can help you achieve great results in your life and career. I’ll bet there is an article or book trapped inside you that is aching to get written.
You are interested in developing or expanding your ability to write for publication.
You are unsure how to get started as an author.
Would you like
- People to instantly recognize your name and say, “I know you. I read your book”?
- A client to say, “I see you’ve been published; I have work for you”?
- To reach hundreds of thousands of people with your message?
- To have instant credibility and visibility that brings you income?
- To feel comfortable that you are writing well?
This is what I suspect is true. You want to:
- master the writing process so you feel confident
- attract clients
- overcome common grammatical errors
- silence the inner critic that questions your ability to write well
These are my gifts to you: Free full-length digital files containing 2 books I wrote about writing.
How to Get Published
52 Writing Tips: Fast and Easy Ways to Polish Your Writing
How to Get Published gives you practical guidance on many aspects of writing:
Achieve great results in your life and career. Master this skill to get promotions, income, speaking engagements, and more opportunities than you can imagine.
Gain from the power of being a published author.
There are many ways you can become published today: articles, case studies, chapters, books, online courses, blogs, books, ebooks and more.
The ability to reach millions of people is easier than it ever has been before. The ability to publish your own books and products is also easier than ever before. This book is filled with practical content that will guide you through the process of putting together publications.
1. Get practical information that you can use to get started in or improve your writing career right now.
2. Find out shortcuts of how to write articles, chapters and books.
3. Learn the realities of writing – the essentials of putting your thoughts together, working with coeditors and coauthors, and recruiting and guiding authors for a book made up of contributors.
Get the free digital downloads of two essential books:
How to Get Published and
52 Writing Tips: Fast and Easy Ways to Polish Your Writing
52 Writing Tips: Fast and Easy Ways to Polish Your Writing gives you practical guidance on many aspects of writing:
Sitting down in front of a computer to write can be a daunting task.
This book reveals specific methods and practices to make it easy to be committed to writing. One of the simplest—and most frequently overlooked—ways to make your writing more interesting has to do with the length of sentences and paragraphs and the thoughtful placement of white space.
When you apply the methods listed in this book, you may be surprised at how much they improve your manuscript, articles, and blogs.
If you’ve wanted to write a blog but hesitated because of the commitment involved in such a project, you’ll find the material in this book invaluable.
In a reader-friendly style, the author shows you simple examples that explain some of the most common grammatical usages, how to use puzzling punctuation forms, and the differences between the words that seem and, in many cases, sound similar or identical.
While 75% of employers want employees with good grammatical skills, only 50% of applicants have those skills. Good grammar can make the difference between getting and not getting a job or a customer.
- You’ll discover how to ruthlessly eliminate unnecessary words so the meaning of what you intend to say shines through.
- You’ll also get practical explanations about how professional editors of various kinds and proofreaders can fine-tune your work.
- Finally, you’ll learn what a ghostwriter does and get useful information to help you decide whether you want to hire this kind of expert.
Be sure to check out our podcast, Writing to Get Business. We publish the audio files of the podcast on our blog at and on all the major audio channels.
Watch our video podcast shows and get our brief tips on writing by visiting our channel at
Discover tips from an experienced author and editor. Pat Iyer has written or edited 49 books.
Change from insecure to confident. You deserve it!
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