“Why should I have a blog ? What business purpose would I get from a blog?” If you’ve asked yourself why blogging is important for business, here are my tips as a blogger for 13 years.
Yes, I started blogging in 2009 and have written thousands of blog posts.
Demonstrate your expertise
Blogging is a way to demonstrate your knowledge of a subject of interest to your visitors. Once you clearly define your target market, your blog enables you to share new insights, stories, news, advice, tips and other helpful details. A blog has become a way to talk about the things that you are interested in and the services you offer.
Fresh content to help with your search engine ranking
Websites tend to be static, whereas a blog can be changed as often as you like. Some people blog daily; others blog 2-3 times a week or less. Search engines thrive on fresh information. A blog that contains strategically placed keywords in the blog title and body helps draw search engine attention. Blogging is important for your business because it brings traffic, and we all love website traffic.
Express your personality
Your blog opens up a channel of conversation with your visitors. Take a stand; state an opinion on a hot topic in your niche. Encourage comments and feedback. A blog can provide this forum.

Use your blog to create content
Multi-purposing content is a concept that makes sense for busy people. I’ve harvested blog content for tweets, books, articles, white papers, videos and more. When you take the time to create content that has value, think of other ways you can share that information.
Learning styles vary. Some people want to read it, some people want to hear it and others want to participate with it.
Connect with others
Other people in your niche will read your blog, share your ideas, and link to your blog. This will help to spread your ideas far beyond your close circles. Your quality content will travel through the social media world and gain you more visitors and higher search engine rankings. It all starts with a blog post! I hope I have convinced you why blogging is important for business.
Whether you’re a beginning writer, you want to polish your skills, or you need the determination and inspiration to finish a project, this book will help you. It covers a range of subjects from grammar explained simply, how to skillfully edit your work, essentials of blogging, and how to capture and keep a reader’s attention. 52 Writing Tips: Fast and Easy Ways to Polish Your Writing is the guide you’ve been waiting for.
The book includes 12 chapters just on blogging!

Pat Iyer is an editor, author, book coach and ghostwriter who helps individuals create books that encourages their expertise to shine and advances their businesses. She has written or edited 48 of her own books.
Pat began blogging in 2009. Since then, she has written over a thousand blog posts for entrepreneurs, attorneys, legal nurse consultants and patients.