If you are nervous about going it alone in writing a book, this podcast can alleviate your fears. You’ll learn that several alternatives exist to the solo route. You can work with contributors, have a coeditor, be a chief editor with associate editors, or be one of those associate editors. I have experience with all these roles and will share the challenges and rewards of these options.
I’m Pat Iyer and this is Writing to Get Business.
You can also decide to write your book on your own with professional help. Some of this assistance is impersonal and mass-produced, as in books about writing. Some of it is more personalized, like writing courses or working with a book coach like me. If you are fixated on the idea that you should be able to write a book without help, let me help you get over that idea. Here’s what you’ll get from this podcast.

You might think of writing a book as the model where you do all the writing.
But there are other ways to create a book. You can involve others (called contributors) in preparing chapters for your book, with you acting as the editor. In the model of using contributors, you can be the only editor, or you can ask others to help as co-editors. In this podcast I focus on these points:
● There are several ways for you to work with others.
● Be aware that working as a chief editor of a book is time-intensive. It’s also prestigious
● When your name is connected to a book as an editor, you want its quality to be very high
● The cost of getting help with writing a book can range from the price of buying a book about writing to working with a book coach.
● Recognize that, even if you write your book on your own, you will require professional help in production.
Your Presenter

Hi, I’m Pat Iyer. I am a nurse, an author, a ghostwriter, an editor and book coach. Yes, I know that is a mouthful. I put this podcast together to focus on how your writing builds your authority, credibility and ability to get business. This show will feature topics on the process and style of writing, tips on writing and publishing and marketing books, copywriting, and blogging. In short, anything that helps you get business through your writing.
This weekly podcast will give you shortcuts, tips, strategies and support around your writing projects.
As of this episode, I have written or coauthored or coedited 48 books, with 2 more planned for 2020. My books created jobs, established my credibility in my field, gave me new opportunities, and built my name recognition. I love to talk about writing and I’m sold on the value of writing to bring you business and hope you are too.