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Let me ask you:


  • Do you want to feel comfortable that you are writing well?
  • Is your inner critic shrieking about your writing, with a nagging voice asking if what you wrote is clear?
  • Do you want to add even more polish to your writing?

As the author or editor of almost 70 books, I share my tips with you in my book, 52 Writing Tips: Fast and Easy Ways to Polish Your Writing.

Purchase my book, open to any section and get the answers you are searching for.

Enjoy the tips in these 5 sections:

  • Writing Process
  • Writing Style
  • Blogging
  • Grammar: the Fine Details
  • Proofreading and Editing

Bonus Audio for 52 Writing Tips


  • Two for the price of one. Order the printed book and get the free audiobook.

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52 Writing Tips!

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