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dIn 52 easy-to-skim chapters, Pat Iyer covers lots of territory, digging deep where necessary and using broad strokes where appropriate. For example, when writing about how- to blogs and the em dash, she gives great detail. On the topic of getting started, she’s properly positive, pragmatic, and to the point. Much here to apply and profit from whether writing an email or a book!

Dianna Booher, author of 48 Books Including Faster,
Fewer, Better emails; Creating Personal Presence; and Communicate like a leader,  

Writing can be a daunting project for even the most expe- rienced expert. But in this book, Pat provides a path to success that is straight forward and attainable. She seems to know exactly where I have stopped in the past – and tells me exactly how to rectify the situation. Pat provides actionable tips, access to all types of writing and most of all allows me to be comfortable with my imperfection!

Lori Kleiman, SPHR SHRM-SCP,

The tips Pat shares will improve the quality of your book and — for the new author — make completing it much easier. Even with tips that you might think are common sense, there are little nuggets of gold sprinkled into the mix. If you are an author, do yourself a favor and put Pat’s experience to work for you.

Dr. Gala Gorman,

Everything about Pat Iyer’s new book is purposeful and practical! The guidance she provides goes well beyond grammatical rules, as she taps into confronting what is interfering with the actual task of writing. Her tone is practical, kind, and compassionate as she urges you to set yourself up for success. Pat’s guidance will allow the vision of your book to become a reality.

Jodi Hinkle, M.A.ED., lSW,