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Avoid the Sea of Publishing Scams

Avoid the Sea of Publishing Scams

Have you written a book? Are you thinking of publishing one? Are you aware of the publishing scams? The desire to see your work published is a passionate one. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous individuals and entities will exploit your desire, take your money, and...

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Filler Phrases Freedom: How to Make Your Writing  Lean

Filler Phrases Freedom: How to Make Your Writing Lean

You've heard people use filler phrases when they talk: "Um", "Well", "Really", or "Like". Are you guilty of using filler phrases in your writing? I heard about a writer who set the goal of removing one unnecessary word from each paragraph of her book. At last count,...

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Can You Make Me Eager to Read Your Article?

Can You Make Me Eager to Read Your Article?

You can write the best story ever told, but without a good headline, I won't read your article. Experts estimate that 80 to 90 percent of people who read a headline won’t go on to read an article because the headline didn’t grab their attention. That doesn’t mean that...

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Make Your Writing Lean

Make Your Writing Lean

Bloated writing, like a bloated stomach after a big meal, can put you to sleep. Is your writing lean? Have you ever read a piece of writing that bored you without your knowing why? You started reading it because you had an interest in the subject, but you found...

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What To Expect When You Work with a Ghostwriter

What To Expect When You Work with a Ghostwriter

When you think about having a book written for you, you may ask: “How do they do it? How does someone who doesn’t know me write a book that sounds as if I wrote it?” This important question underlines the importance of choosing a talented, empathetic ghostwriter. In...

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How to Use Lists in Your Writing

How to Use Lists in Your Writing

Why should you use a list? Lists improve the readability of your material. They make it easy to cluster information in a format that can be quickly scanned. Also, lists are useful for breaking up a long sentence into a more reader friendly format. Readers appreciate a...

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Tips for Natural Sounding Writing

Tips for Natural Sounding Writing

How can you achieve natural sounding writing? Imagine you are in a restaurant with a friend. You’ve just seen a technical report you want to share with your friend. As you explain the results, your friend asks questions which takes you deep into the conversation and...

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How to Edit Your Own Work

How to Edit Your Own Work

You’ve written a report, speech, newsletter, or other document. You’ve put a lot of time and thought into it. You have an investment in it. Now you need to edit it. You can find lots of practical advice about how to edit your work. However, none of these suggestions...

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My first article: how I got published

My first article: how I got published

Having articles published is a definite boost to a career. Getting your first article published stimulates your writing efforts and establishes more credibility with your clients. My first article I always enjoyed reading books and creative writing classes I took in...

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How to get attention with your emails

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